Many law firms claim to handle aggregated and repetitive litigation. Yet few of those firms have actually tried a certified class action to verdict. Hardly any serve as national coordinating and national trial counsel in litigation involving tens of thousands of lawsuits. Larson · King, however, has done all of these things.
Our firm has a longstanding focus on mass tort, class action and multidistrict litigation. We regularly serve as lead counsel in MDL litigation and serve as national coordinating and trial counsel for several clients. We coordinate and set the strategy in cases filed in multiple jurisdictions with an eye toward trial or favorable resolution for our clients.
Examples of our aggregated and repetitive litigation experience include:
- Successfully tried certified class action before a jury in federal court to a favorable verdict.
- Serve as national coordinating and trial counsel for product manufacturer facing tens of thousands of multidistrict and state court lawsuits.
- Recovered more than $1 billion in insurance proceeds for mass tort and class action litigation.
- Appointed to numerous MDL leadership positions in class action and mass tort litigation.
- Routinely hired to replace counsel to try potentially precedent-setting cases in challenging jurisdictions.
- Groundbreaking decades-long involvement in MDL and class litigation such as Dalkon Shield, breast implant, asbestos, and Union Carbide (Bhopal, India) litigation.
Larson · King lawyers direct aggregated and repetitive litigation from planning and strategy to trial and settlement. Because our firm knows how to efficiently staff and prepare cases, we assign only experienced lawyers to handle these significant cases. Unlike many large firms, we do not perform needless work that does not move the case toward a successful resolution, whether at trial or before.