phone 651-312-6540 | Monica Detert Monica is a 2015 summa cum laude graduate of William Mitchell College of Law. She served as an assistant editor of the William Mitchell Law Review and worked as a student intern at the Minnesota Court of Appeals with the Honorable Denise D. Reilly. After graduating summa cum laude from Winona State University in 2008, Monica started working at Larson · King where she worked on numerous complex cases. She will focus her practice on employment, wage and hour, and business litigation. | phone 651-312-6568 | Jazz Hampton Jazz graduated from the University of St. Thomas School of Law in 2015 after receiving his Bachelor’s in Computer Science from the University of St. Thomas. During law school, Jazz served in the Ramsey County Public Defender’s Office where he appeared as a Student Certified Attorney. Jazz also worked in the Community Justice Clinic and provided at-risk youth with legal services, case management, and general support. Jazz was the President of the Black Law Students Association and completed an externship with Hennepin County Judge Holton Dimick. Jazz will focus his practice on business, products and professional liability, and financial services litigation. | phone 651-312-6593 | Umut Ozturk Born in Istanbul and fluent in Turkish, Umut immigrated to the United States 25 years ago and brings a multi-cultural awareness to his practice. He graduated from the University of Minnesota Law School after receiving his undergraduate degree from the University of Southern Mississippi. Umut externed in the legal department of Tennant Co, a world-leading industrial cleaning manufacturer, where he participated in company investigations and provided litigation support for employment and personal injury cases. Umut is a published author and has coached many elite youth soccer teams. Umut will focus his practice on business litigation, immigration law, professional liability, and financial services litigation. |